Retail & Distribution Industry

Pakire Polimers It offer a tailor made total waste management service to many large distribution centres across Europe and Asia. We channel waste materials such as clothes hangers, supermarket film, plastic trays, bags and various other packaging into new sustainable products. Please have a look at the case study below.

Home - Retail & Distribution Industry

Retail & Distribution Industry case study

Recycle process for retail & distribution industry


A large department store was making considerable monthly payments to a waste collection service to have their waste by-products collected on a regular basis. The waste consisted largely of the LDPE packaging materials that their stock gets delivered to them in. It is vital for the efficient operation of their business that the waste is collected regularly, however the monthly retainer eats away a significant amount of their budget.

Circular economy Retail & Distribution Industry 1

Exporting Material

The collection of the load of LDPE scrap packaging materials was arranged with a licensed waste carrier, and the haulier brought the material to our recycling facility. At every step of the process of handling and transporting the plastic waste materials we deal with, we are fully compliant with all relevant regulations at all times. This process is carried out in the most ethically way possible to ensure the maximum recyclability of the polymers.


In their search for an alternative waste management solution, the department store reached out to us here at Pakire Polymers. We went in and conducted a thorough site audit; from this we were able to inform the client of the value of their waste and offer them advice on the best course of action. We suggested that we could buy their waste from them, as we could recycle it to turn it into carrier bags for them to use in their store. Once this was agreed prices were negotiated and a purchase order was issued.


The LDPE packaging scrap was processed in our state-of-the-art recycling facility; due to how well the material had been stored and the quality of our machinery, we were able to achieve an exceptionally high yield of recycled LDPE pellet. This pellet was then manufactured into shopping bags for the department store. Pakire Polymers turned their considerable monthly expense into a regular profit stream for them and managed to help move the company in the direction of a more sustainable circular-economic model.

Home - Retail & Distribution Industry

Retail & Distribution Industry case study

Recycle process for retail & distribution industry


A large department store was making considerable monthly payments to a waste collection service to have their waste by-products collected on a regular basis. The waste consisted largely of the LDPE packaging materials that their stock gets delivered to them in. It is vital for the efficient operation of their business that the waste is collected regularly, however the monthly retainer eats away a significant amount of their budget.


In their search for an alternative waste management solution, the department store reached out to us here at Pakire Polymers. We went in and conducted a thorough site audit; from this we were able to inform the client of the value of their waste and offer them advice on the best course of action. We suggested that we could buy their waste from them, as we could recycle it to turn it into carrier bags for them to use in their store. Once this was agreed prices were negotiated and a purchase order was issued.

Exporting Material

The collection of the load of LDPE scrap packaging materials was arranged with a licensed waste carrier, and the haulier brought the material to our recycling facility. At every step of the process of handling and transporting the plastic waste materials we deal with, we are fully compliant with all relevant regulations at all times. This process is carried out in the most ethically way possible to ensure the maximum recyclability of the polymers.


The LDPE packaging scrap was processed in our state-of-the-art recycling facility; due to how well the material had been stored and the quality of our machinery, we were able to achieve an exceptionally high yield of recycled LDPE pellet. This pellet was then manufactured into shopping bags for the department store. Pakire Polymers turned their considerable monthly expense into a regular profit stream for them and managed to help move the company in the direction of a more sustainable circular-economic model.

Your waste is a resource, get the maximum value for your plastic waste

Get the maximum value for your plastic

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