LDPE Recycling

Polyethylene (PE) is a thermoplastic; due to its lightweight, durable, chemical resistant structure it is one of the most popular choices used of plastic in manufacturing. PE is highly versatile due to the variety of densities that it is available in, giving the material a wide spectrum of different functionalities.

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LDPE Recycling

As the name suggests, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) has a lower molecular density than other types of polyethylene. Due to the lower density it is easier to mould and be made flexible, giving it a vast range of different uses. As a result, LDPE will enter the waste stream from a multitude of different sources; for example, it may be used as cling-film, plastic bags, squeezable bottles, container lids and a number of other items. Once these products have been disposed of, they will be gathered by a waste management company who will then send them to a recycling company, such as Pakire Polymers, for the material to be recycled. The recycler will ensure that the material is properly separated, cleaned, shredded, and melted down to be made into plastic pellets ready for manufacturing. At Pakire we guarantee the most superior quality recycled plastic pellets on the market; we use industry leading EREMA pellet technology to achieve pellets of unsurpassable standard. These pellets are then fit to be sold to manufacturers and made into new LDPE products.

LDPE Recycling

LDPE products will often be manufactured with a visible symbol of the number 4 inside a triangle on them. This number is the Resin Identification Code (RIC) number given to LDPE to help the material be simpler to identify. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) developed this system to make it easier for polymers to be separated out from each other to increase the recyclability of plastic products. These numbers are important to note as any mixing of polymers can increase the chance that plastic scrap is not fit for recycling.

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Other Materials We Recycle

High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

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High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is the form of polyethylene in which the molecular structure is of increased density....

PP Recycling & Recycle 5 PP

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Due to the diverse range of functions polypropylene (PP) can perform, it enters the waste streams from a number of different sources.

Manufacturing sectors we work with

These are all plastic-heavy industries, and we are a vital link in helping companies to achieve corporate zero waste targets.

We Also Accept These Materials

PET Plastic Materials - Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is a thermoplastic formed by the combination of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. It is a popular choice in food and beverage packaging as it is a clear, strong and lightweight plastic; nearly all single-use plastic drinks bottles are made from this particular polymer. The uses of PET are not limited to drinks bottles; it is also frequently used in carpets, sleeping bags, automotive parts and many other products.

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PVC Plastic Materials - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is a thermoplastic synthesised by combining ethylene and chlorine. PVC is a highly versatile material and can be made into an array of products; it can be easily shaped and sets very hard, making it the perfect material for automotive parts or construction materials. With the use of additives, PVC can also be made very soft and flexible, making it ideal for products such as polyvinyl flooring or upholstery.

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PS Plastic Materials - Polystyrene (PS) is a thermoplastic; it is a hydrocarbon polymer sequenced from the monomer styrene. PS is highly adaptable as it can come in the form of a solid plastic or a rigid foam. When solid, PS is a popular choice for items such as food and beverage packaging and laboratory ware. When mixed with colorants or additives it can also be used in parts for electrical appliances, gardening equipment and many other products. Foam PS will often be over 95% air and makes for an excellent insulant; therefore, it is a popular choice for insulating homes and appliances, as well as for products such as food packaging and even surfboards.

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PC Plastic Materials - Polycarbonate (PC) refers to a group of thermoplastics that contain carbonate groups within their chemical composition. PC polymers are very strong, lightweight and are resistant to impact, heat and chemicals. The properties of PC make it suitable for a variety of products such as medical equipment, automotive parts, construction materials, food packaging and many others.

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ABS Plastic Materials - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) is a thermoplastic synthesised from the combination of three monomers: Acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene. ABS is a very strong and stiff material with high levels of impact and corrosion resistance; it is regarded as being a particularly useful polymer in engineering. The properties of ABS make it an ideal choice for use in manufacturing products such as tools, plug sockets, electronics components and a variety of others.

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EPS Plastic Materials - Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is a thermoplastic sequenced from the monomer styrene. EPS is made by using steam to heat polystyrene (PS) beads, decreasing their density and allowing them to hold air in their interior. In order to prevent creating a vacuum when cooling the newly expanded beads, the rate at which the air is allowed to leave will be slowed using a process called air diffusion. The stabilised beads will then be placed into a mould and exposed to steam once again causing them to bind together and form the finished product. EPS is a very lightweight material and can be made very tough relative to its low density. This material is frequently used to store and transport fresh foodstuffs, as protective packaging materials for electronic items, in sports equipment and in furniture items.

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